Cars and Cards to my five year old brain were the same words.
Picture and Pitcher. So on and so forth.
Now, for the last few days I’ve had that stupid Madonna song streaming in my head nonstop. You know the one “and we are living in a material world, and I am a material girl.” So now you get to have it in your head. Ha ha.
Well, when I was a child and heard this song, I associated it with what I knew. And since I didn’t know what a material world or material girl meant, I translated it to “and we are living in a Cheerio world and I am a Cheerio girl.” Try it some time, it works. “Living in a Cheerio world, Cheerio-o-o! a Cheerio world.” Blah Blah Blah. Now, that is what has been wedged between my two ears for days and this is why.
Now look Closer.
I was just trying to change her diaper and there it was, staring me right in the eye. Apparently it had found it's way down her shirt some time during dinner the hour or so before hand. (I hope) and lodged it's way into her belly button. Now She, like Madonna, is a Cheerio Girl.
I'm so glad that is a real cheerio. Before I read the post I thought she had one mother of an outtie belly button.
And I did that song/word mixup too. My most famous one was changing "I've got a secret" from Mr. Roboto to "I've got a sucret" (did you have those sore throat lozenges?). Speaking of Mr. Roboto check out this Office/Mr. Roboto YouTube video. You'll cry laughing.
this is pretty good. although i have to say that on a recent blog trip, i found a picture of a baby with TWO cheerios stuck to the body. on the baby's nipples. now that's something else!
and my favorite mis-lyrics? my sister's "love will never last," for "off to never neverland" (metallica).
What did you do with it?
I fed it to her... Duh! No, that would be nasty. it was all sticky and soggy when I found it. it was literally stuck in her belly button. That sucker got tossed. The good news really was that we just finished feeding her cheerios so, it was only in there for no longer than 10-15 min.
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