1. Were you named after anyone? Not that I know of. But my middle name is Tyson because my parents wanted my first name to be Ty. The problem was that Ty Kuhn just sounded funny. So now I’m Daniel
2. When was the last time your cried? No clue.
3. Do you like your handwriting? I don’t really care. It’s not the neatest but it’s still legible.
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? Some kind of peppered turkey. Once I had a cajun spiced turkey and that was really good. But truthfully, most days I’d take a PB&J.
5. Do you have kids? Just one. Marin is almost 9 Mo.
6. If you were another person would you be friends with you? I think so. I like who I am now so maybe if I were someone else I would like me.
7. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I am trying to cut down on my use. I’m finding it to be a little juvenile and I’m trying to progress past it, but it sure was great. And I have a long way to go until I’m fully purged.
8. Do you still have your tonsils? Still do, but I wish that I didn’t. I get a lot of sore throats.
9. Would you bungee jump? Sure would. I have before and I’d do it again.
10. What is your favorite cereal? Healthy – Raisin Bran Crunch. Sugar – Reese’s PB Crunch
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Not unless I have to.
12. Do you think you are strong? Not really. Not for my size anyway. But when compared to the wee people of the world, sure.
13. What is your favorite ice cream? Bryers Vanilla Fudge Twirl. And I take every opportunity to remind Katie of this.
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? Confidence levels. How highly or not do they think of themselves. Or how open and approachable.
15. Red or Pink? Blue
16. What is the least favorite thing about yourself? I wish that I had more energy. That I would always need to be doing something.
17. What do you miss the most? Katie and Marin every time that I have to leave for work
18. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Grey pants and black shoes. I’m at work. If I had my choice I’d be wearing neither j/k. not really. At most I never want more than swim trunks and no shoes. Maybe flip flops or sandals.
19. What was the last thing that you ate? Some pretzels and water. Before that I had some oatmeal for Breakfast.
20. What are you listening to right now? Mostly silence. Or the keys of the keyboard.
21. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? This could be the dumbest question on this thing.
22. Favorite smells? Clean. You know that smell. I also like the smell of Cheese Puffs. They remind me of being a kid again.
23. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Susan Hobgood. Her mom died and I helped take care of her.
24. Favorite sports to watch: Lacrosse, Hockey and Curling - it’s really a lot of fun to watch.
25. Hair color? Light Brown.
26. Eye Color? Blue.
27. Do you wear contacts? Nope.
28. Favorite foods? I don’t know that I have a favorite.
29. Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies all the way.
30. Last movie you watched? Dream Girls. It was Katie’s pick on netflix. Before that it was the coolest movie ever… Transformers. Awesome!!!
31. What color shirt are you wearing? White.
32. Summer or winter? SUMMER.
33. Hugs or kisses? Kisses.
34. Favorite desserts? No bake Cookies. It’s been like three years since I’ve had them.
35. What book are you reading right now? I just finished The Golden Compass. Next I want to start The Subtle Knife.
36. What is on your mouse pad? The Road Runner.
37. What did you watch on TV last night? None. I know, shocking.
38. Favorite sound? Marin’s Giggle.
39. Rolling Stones or Beatles? Beatles.
40. What is the farthest you have been from home? Mars.
41. Do you have a special talent? My knees and fingers can bend backwards.
42. Where were you born? Mechanicsburg, PA
43. What superpower would you like? I wish that I could fly, but not like a bird, like super man. Using no effort at all on my part. That’s how it should be.
44. Who is the one person that you wish would read this Crap? Erin Huband. Then she won’t be able to nag me about not posting on her schedule. Also so that she understands her place in my life as a blogger friend and little more. So Raspberry on her! Now don’t get your feeling hurt, you know that I love you and Chuck both. However, the ONLY reason for this irritating post, is you.