Our Player

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Hello, If you're not in the mood for a Marin-athon, Go somewhere else. This one's for Katie as she is not able to be in town for Easter and she is missing her kid (not the thirty-one year old one) more than she can say.
Here was a little bit of our day.
Most of these picture where taken as we strolled around Duke Campus.


Camie said...

She is so cute. I love her outfit. Especially the sunglasses.

Megan said...

What a cute daddy and hubby! I hope that you and Marin are bonding nicely and that Katie is surviving being away from you guys. Those are some great pictures!

erinmalia said...

holy smokes those glasses are great.

Tiffany Sommer said...

Daniel, that is SO cute! im sure it actually makes it harder on Katie to be gone. Marin is SOOOOO adorable in her glasses and hat! Happy Easter Kuhn clan :-)!

Brooke said...

BEAUTIFUL photos! She is one pretty, pretty girl.